Tuesday, July 5, 2011



Since I have not had enough time to use the Web much other than for this class, I do not thing my use has changed since my study of Web 2.0. However, I believe that once this class is over and I have more time to play with and learn the sites and tricks that I will. I found Flickr to be my most favorite Web 2.0 Application. Not that I would just want to share all my pictures with the world, I believe that it is a neat way to organize and store your pictures. I take many pictures and I do not like to save them all to my computer so I just leave then on the SD card. With Flickr you can store the pictures on the site, give them names, descriptions, and even map where the picture was taken. Out of everything I have learned from Web 2.0, I believe that this will be the one thing that I continue to use.  I discovered that many sites can be used in junction with other sites. These applications are created to interact with each other and I believe this will be a trend that keeps growing.

Friday, July 1, 2011


<div style="width:477px" id="__ss_7157726"> <strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px"><a href="http://www.slideshare.net/AliciaRodricks/i-pad-social-networking-applications-development-revive-your-social-arena-on-web-in-your-own-way" title="I pad social networking applications development revive your social arena on web in your own way" target="_blank">I pad social networking applications development revive your social arena on web in your own way</a></strong> <iframe src="http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/7157726" width="477" height="510" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> <div style="padding:5px 0 12px"> View more <a href="http://www.slideshare.net/" target="_blank">documents</a> from <a href="http://www.slideshare.net/AliciaRodricks" target="_blank">AliciaRodricks</a> </div> </div>


With the search of my full name Whitney Taylor Husband, I received 12,800,000 hits but none of them were referred to me that I could tell. Then when I put my full name in quotes there were no results, therefore I tried just with my first and last names. Still nothing about me turned up. I am not surprised with what I didn’t find, because on a regular basis I check Google just to see if anything has changed. I keep all my settings on sites like Facebook and MySpace pretty secure. Knowing that I will be graduating soon and employers look at things like that has been my main reason to keep everything private.


Facebook says that my information will be shared based upon my privacy and application settings. Facebook uses the information that you give about yourself to place adds on your screen so that adds are aimed towards the correct audience. If you as a Facebook user do anything that goes against the policy terms, Facebook has the right to delete your account and not allow you back on without permission. I have always been aware with the privacy policy that Facebook offers. I keep all the information that I share only visible to my friends and I am very secure with everything that I share. I did also learn that they are partnered with bing, therefore when I searched my name my profile showed up but this does not happen on google so I will be fixing this.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


In my opinion text messaging is by no means “the way” to communicate, but with the changing more hectic life styles that we are creating it makes some task much simpler. Sending text messages should be simple and to the point, not for an important or heated conversation. Sadly, in my life this is not the case. It is extremely difficult to decipher what exactly a person is saying just through text message. Slang, tone, caps vs. no caps…what is all this mess that we have invented? Misinterpretation’s can happen easily with just communicating through a text message. People have different schedules; work, school, family and friends. This means that just because you don’t get a response immediately, wait until the other person has time to write you back.  Another bad habit: texting while driving. Statistically this is causing more deaths and wrecks and alcohol. I’m guilty, but is it really worth it? In my opinion, NO!  Almost everything can wait and since they didn’t call you it must not be so important that you need to respond while driving and put yourself and others around you in danger. Lastly, when you’re with company, don’t just sit there and text in their face while they are spending time with you. Excuse yourself and let the person texting you know that you are busy and will get back with them later. 



Compared to CNN.com which I use quite frequently, Digg does not reflect the type of current news that is traditionally shown. It somewhat reminded me of the things that MSN.com shows after I log out of my hotmail which is normally entertainment. My taste is more for the “traditional” current news but I can see how this site could be interesting for a young crowd since we tend to be not as much into traditional as we are contemporary.