Tuesday, June 28, 2011


In my opinion text messaging is by no means “the way” to communicate, but with the changing more hectic life styles that we are creating it makes some task much simpler. Sending text messages should be simple and to the point, not for an important or heated conversation. Sadly, in my life this is not the case. It is extremely difficult to decipher what exactly a person is saying just through text message. Slang, tone, caps vs. no caps…what is all this mess that we have invented? Misinterpretation’s can happen easily with just communicating through a text message. People have different schedules; work, school, family and friends. This means that just because you don’t get a response immediately, wait until the other person has time to write you back.  Another bad habit: texting while driving. Statistically this is causing more deaths and wrecks and alcohol. I’m guilty, but is it really worth it? In my opinion, NO!  Almost everything can wait and since they didn’t call you it must not be so important that you need to respond while driving and put yourself and others around you in danger. Lastly, when you’re with company, don’t just sit there and text in their face while they are spending time with you. Excuse yourself and let the person texting you know that you are busy and will get back with them later. 



Compared to CNN.com which I use quite frequently, Digg does not reflect the type of current news that is traditionally shown. It somewhat reminded me of the things that MSN.com shows after I log out of my hotmail which is normally entertainment. My taste is more for the “traditional” current news but I can see how this site could be interesting for a young crowd since we tend to be not as much into traditional as we are contemporary.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The article “Financial Companies Use RSS Feeds” discusses how financial institutions are using RSS feeds to reach out to customers. It describes how banks and financial institutions were commonly known for being slow when adopting new technology and how this has changed. These companies can use RSS to stay ahead of their competition. Here are some examples of how these financial institutions are using RSS feeds: to communicate bank rate changes; analysis and monitor the stock market; customers can monitor mortgage rates, loan rates and real estate sales; people seeking employment in the financial industry can see job opportunities; to view foreclosures, auctions, and finance tips; to show bankruptcy announcements of companies that have entered into bankruptcy protection; and to keep up with any important financial news.


In my experience of using a feed reader, I subscribed to inside Facebook, Google News, and to CNN.com since those are the sites that I visit frequently.  The main thing I noticed is the ease of using a feed reader. The speed of your internet is how fast you can find anything you are looking for. When I go back to see what is new, there is always something else to read about. Also, when using a feed reader is does not cost anything and to me that is very important. Drawback of using a feed reader is that when you subscribe to a topic all the articles that come with it may be more than what you are looking for and clogs up your screen. Even though this may give you many options to choose from, sometimes it is just too much. The last drawback that I noticed from my experience was that a lot of the articles I subscribed to were about foreign issues that I particularly do not care as much about compared to what is going on in our Country.

Friday, June 17, 2011


This article discusses three companies that are currently using wiki to collaborate within their company and with outside partners to manage production on their major projects. These companies are Pixar, Carbon Five, and Red Ant. Pixar is using wiki to manage film production. For the movie” WALL-E” Pixar used wiki to help with the coordination of their animation tools. Red Ant, who is based in Australia, is using wiki for collaboration between employees and customers for their web design and development firm.  What they do is create a design and show it to the clients, then each party gets to look at it, make changes, send the link around, and comment on what they think is best. Carbon Five who is a small company based in San Francisco and Los Angeles is using Wiki in a similar way as Red Ant. They are using wiki for internal and external collaboration with their customers. Clients get their own “space” to collaborate about projects with the employees at Carbon Five.




Hello!! I am Whitney and this is my first time doing a blog, although I have always wanted to and never knew what to blog about. The movie “Julie and Julia” was my first experience with blogging and I thought it was so neat how she blogged every day about learning to cook like Julia Childs. About me, I have been attending SFA since 2009 and I will be graduating in August with a degree in general business. I have changed my major five times and been to three different colleges and I will only be graduating a year later than planned.
           My favorite websites are Facebook, Google, and CNN. With Facebook I am able to keep in touch with family and friends that I do not see on a regular and I also use it for networking. I love Google because you just find just about anything you are looking for, I use it on a daily basis on my Iphone too look up questions I may have about anything. I use CNN to keep up with the news and what is going on in our country because I do not watch much TV. 
