Friday, June 17, 2011


Hello!! I am Whitney and this is my first time doing a blog, although I have always wanted to and never knew what to blog about. The movie “Julie and Julia” was my first experience with blogging and I thought it was so neat how she blogged every day about learning to cook like Julia Childs. About me, I have been attending SFA since 2009 and I will be graduating in August with a degree in general business. I have changed my major five times and been to three different colleges and I will only be graduating a year later than planned.
           My favorite websites are Facebook, Google, and CNN. With Facebook I am able to keep in touch with family and friends that I do not see on a regular and I also use it for networking. I love Google because you just find just about anything you are looking for, I use it on a daily basis on my Iphone too look up questions I may have about anything. I use CNN to keep up with the news and what is going on in our country because I do not watch much TV. 


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