Tuesday, June 21, 2011


In my experience of using a feed reader, I subscribed to inside Facebook, Google News, and to CNN.com since those are the sites that I visit frequently.  The main thing I noticed is the ease of using a feed reader. The speed of your internet is how fast you can find anything you are looking for. When I go back to see what is new, there is always something else to read about. Also, when using a feed reader is does not cost anything and to me that is very important. Drawback of using a feed reader is that when you subscribe to a topic all the articles that come with it may be more than what you are looking for and clogs up your screen. Even though this may give you many options to choose from, sometimes it is just too much. The last drawback that I noticed from my experience was that a lot of the articles I subscribed to were about foreign issues that I particularly do not care as much about compared to what is going on in our Country.

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